Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Day of Homeschool Group

For the past year, A3 has been patiently waiting to attend the homeschool group that A1 and A2 attend. He had to go through the interview process to see if he could keep up with the workload. At the beginning of the interview, he gave a lot of yeah's and no's. Then, they got to the topic of a newsletter that he created about Mount Everest. His eyes lit up, and he started talking.

This past Monday was his first day at the homeschool group. I was planning to take pictures of all the A's, pack their special lunches and snacks, and go with them to the first chapel of the school year. Unfortunately, I woke up at 3:00 am and did not go back to sleep until 5:00 am. My eyes were closed during those two hours because I couldn't physically keep them open, but I couldn't sleep. Different thoughts started to flood my mind, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't sleep!

By the time my children woke up, I was completely exhausted. When I get exhausted like that, it feels like I'm trying to wake up from having been under anesthesia. My eyes wouldn't open and my body kept plunging back into deep sleep. I kept trying to wake up, but my body wouldn't follow. Then, the sound of the door opening, downstairs, woke me, and I pushed myself to get up. This was the A's first day of homeschool! I stumbled down the stairs trying not to fall over from my vertigo. Thankfully, I got to apologize to them and kiss them good bye. Then, I couldn't go back to sleep.

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