Monday, February 17, 2014

Whatever Works

My children have been commenting on how much my hair (the hair I have left, that is) has grown. When it was first shaved, it was interesting to see and feel how stubby it was. Now that it has grown a bit, I can see how some of my hair is bending and fuzzy looking. Slowly, more bald spots are forming. Who would have guessed that I could have this much hair? This hair fall out seems endless. So much hair.

The week after my husband shaved my head, I had a problem. Those leftover short, shaved hairs started falling out - everywhere. I would take a shower and my towel would be covered with short hair. Then, I got an ingenious idea: roll tape! Just roll on your head and presto!

As you can see, whatever works. Better on the tape than all over my clothes.

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