Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Just Tired

For the past ten days, my husband has been out of town. I was so glad that he had this opportunity to rest and spend focused time with God. We sent him off with smiles and blessings.

Then, reality set in.

I cannot begin to tell you about all the activities that came up during that first week. A forgotten field trip. A church trick-or-treat alternative party. Two doctors' appointments. Homeschool co-op. Not to mention all the other activities my children participate in. My husband would call me to see how things were going and I would just tear up. 

God was so good in sending so many people with food. I didn't even have to ask. He knew that I needed that extra help. I just had to warm things up and feed my children. That helped me so much! 

There are times when everything comes at me like a tidal wave of activity. This was one of those times. Oh, the stories that I could tell...

But, today... my husband is coming back!

Thank You, Lord!


  1. Monica you have friends that love you and your family so much. Please remember that we are only a phone call away or text ;)

    I'm so glad your husband is back home. I'm sure it was a joyous day for all of you :)

  2. Monica you have friends that love you and your family so much. Please remember that we are only a phone call away or text ;)

    I'm so glad your husband is back home. I'm sure it was a joyous day for all of you :)
