Monday, February 13, 2012

12:30 pm

Please remember to pray for my surgery today. It is scheduled for 12:30 pm.

I had to drink magnesium citrate on Sunday. It is supposed to clear out your system. Clear out my system it did. So, I will be going into surgery empty inside.

A2 has had a hard time dealing with my surgery. She hasn't verbalized it, but she wants to be close to me. This also happened with the first surgery. A3 usually has a delayed reaction so we will see. A1 is an internalizer. Please pray for my children. They need God's comfort and peace during this time.

There was already a mistake by one of the offices prescribing a drug that is in the Vicodin family to me. Praise God, that the pharmacy, which has my Vicodin allergy on file, caught the mistake and told us. I would never had known. Please pray that they will find a good pain medication for me.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.

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