Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I confess that I was a couponer. I got started when this random man at the grocery store told me to purchase two more containers of ice cream when he saw that I was purchasing 3. He said that I could get $10 back if I purchased 5 containers versus 3 containers. I asked him how he knew about this and he told me about a couponing website. I ended up behind him at the checkout line and was floored with his really low grocery bill. He was giggling like a little kid. I purchased my 5 containers, got $10 to use at the grocery store, and was hooked.

I would get the Sunday newspaper, cut out coupons, and organize them in my coupon organizer. I would also go to different websites and print out more coupons. It became quite addictive. I would go to stores with my coupons and buy things for ridiculous prices. I would giggle like a little kid. No, I wasn't an extreme couponer. I didn't have 50 boxes of jello in my pantry. But, I might have had 12 or so boxes of Cheerios... As a pastor's wife, you always have to be ready to whip up a sweet snack for church visitations or events. That Cheerios recipe will be coming soon.

Then, I went to Korea, found out I was sick, and the couponing came to an abrupt end. I just couldn't keep up with all the deals. There were too many doctors to visit.

That was when I narrowed down my site seeing. These are some websites to help you get the basics of couponing. I frequent the first website the most because there are online and store deals listed daily. I have gotten magazine subscriptions for under $5 and great online deals that I never thought possible. The other two websites are good for store deals. I hope that this will save you a lot of money.

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